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Updated today - 8 May


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You bred them, of course they are doing well :D

No, thats definitely not always the case. I often lose a lot of young fry but I have so many spawns a year no one realises. If I am busy then the lack of time reflects in the number of losses. I'm heading away again in a couple of weeks so they are going to pretty much have to fend for themselves with my daughter throwing the odd bit of food their way for 5 days :roll: The majority will survive but hey, family is more important at the moment, particularly when they are down in ChCh.

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Yes, the jury is out about the rosetails. Most of the males from the same spawn look to be the same tail type. However, at least my other dragon spawn is standard halfmoon tails :D

The half dragon should keep the white edging. My other spawn did.

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indeed all our bettas are mutants of some type :D

mild rosetails are fine I quite like them.

but because extreme rosetails come with messy scales, unballanced finnage and extremely heavy branching, all which can be passed down to their children, most breeders get rid of them.

I'm not much of a DT fan either but my betta breeding goal requires their blood :evil:

I wonder if one day we will see "full moon" bettas with 360 spread... I dont think I'd like the look of them:sick:

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Extreme rosetails should only be culled if there is some sort of deformity, either body shape, deformed ventrals or bad scaling. I haven't stuck this with my ones as yet although there are a few smaller ones that need to grow up a bit first. Its interesting that they have popped up in the dragon line and it must link back to the grandparents. Whether it came in through an import or from another breeder I will never know but I am going to suggest that it was not the imported male that was my first dragon.

We will never truly know what goes on in the fish rooms in the country :wink:

One thing is for sure - the rosetail is now a recognised form of tail in the betta splenden.

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Hi Ron, just the person I need. :hail: You should come and visit and give me your opinion. :D

The ones the rosetails come from - the grandfather of this batch was a true dragon. The grandmother was halfmoon. As I was unable at this stage to get hold of another dragon - no one would sell me theirs despite my offering out large $$$'s (as one does to get good quality) I ended up putting the siblings together - diagram below

dragon male - halfmoon female heavy scaling


male X female


dragons/rosetails/double tails/halfmoons

The other spawn, the green/red and the platinum/red - the father was a full dragon (not the male used above, the mother was the sister of of the above rosetails mother. Does that make sense

dragon male (import) - halfmoon with heavy scales


female with heavy dragon scaling - dragon male import (not the same male as above)


green red & platinum reds (all dragon scaling)

I have this week gone the next generation as below

dragon male (import) - halfmoon with heavy scales


female with heavy dragon scaling - dragon male import (not the same male as above)


green red & platinum reds (all dragon scaling)


female platinum red - platinum red male import (unrelated to any others)

Undoubtedly the rosetails and double tails trace back to the halfmoon side of things. I had a spawn a few months back that threw a good half dozen double tails.

No Sam, its the camera angle.

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hopefully - I do not have the copper male any more. He went to a new home :D but I do have some more coming along and the odd girl as well.

I have a stunning silver plakat male with dark edging around his tail :happy2:

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