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Aro temprament - different with each species


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i have a jar, rtg and Black aro.

the black aro will eat until satisfied, the jar is never satisfied and will eat untill its belly literally looks like its gonna explode. it will keep attacking food non stop.

rtg will eat 1 or 2 shrimp.

the jar, less than half its size will eat as much food if not more!

the black will eat less than the jar - interesting to see how different they are

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no room for tanks and saving for wedding

so not for a while yet.

i was telling david the other day, i went through a moment where i thought that i would sell most of my fish and put the money for one red aro

but i really cant do it, i enjoy having the different aros!!

i am sorting out feeding costs though, its starting to get ridiculous.

i wills till feed pellets to clown loaches but i think i will stop with the aros now they are all in a good size

shrimp is so much cheaper and i found that growht from small is great with pelllets, but when they are all almost adults, the growth tapers and becomes the same anyways.

red will come eventually.

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Temperaments vary with the individuals too, something I have noticed. Some are shy, some come to the front of the tank.

as I say, fish are like dogs they all have different temperaments.different dog breeds are more aggressive and different fish breeds are more aggressive. I believe all have their own personality.

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I don't know about David's experiences, but my green is quite "controlled" with its diet. It's diet consists of two pellet stuffed prawns every night which it is really keen on, but once a week, guaranteed, it will fast itself of one meal. There is no pattern or logic behind it (that I have observed). The prawns are all similar in size so it's not exceptionally full on any one night and there is no circumstance which would stress it to induce fasting (eg water change). However, the next night, it'll go back to normal. It's almost like it has a "shut off" system in the brain to stop it from overeating (I wish I had that, lol).

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yeah they fast for no reason that i can see

my rtg sometimes fast for 2 days, but recently, it has not fasted for more than 1 day at a time.

it ate a clown loach awhile back and injured itself i believe, didnt eat for almost 2 weeks, but ate again after.

black arowana east daily with out fail. but jar eats like a maniac! jar eats so much.

never had a green sorry.

but davids was fat and huge! sturdy fella.

and not agro or anything, quite timid and very well balanced.

the jar killed a spotetd metynnis but leaving the other alone.

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Do adults still jump as much? Mine is still an unruly teenager who likes to test the limits and give the lid a little thump now and then, which gives me a mini heart attack because of the noise but at the moment he's not strong enough to pop the lids (yet). I'm assuming that when he gets big he will be able to at least knock the lids out of place, but I'm hoping that he will be mellow enough not to..

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my adult rtg does not jump must at all if any.

jardinii only when hunting for food from my hand, as soon as i put my hand close to the tank, it will jump to get it, very agro

the black, sometimes i think it does i see scales missing once in a while but hardly.

with aro, i find that obsuring the back and sides is key.

they dont jump much after that.

if they get frights they jump

if they see an insenct on top of the tank, they will go for it.

even a pellet, they will think is food

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Just as I slid one of the lids open during feeding time today my green took a bite of air/ water lol.. I'm observing that he's getting more agro when it comes to feeding and his appetite is increasingly recently. Hopefully I can resist the urge to overfeed so that he doesn't get too fat.

I'm not sure, but I think he might be developing DE on one side.. &c:ry Just by visual comparison, one eye seems to "droop" a little bit more than the other but I'm not entirely sure. Personally, I reckon that DE is genetic, but I don't feed him fatty food anyway. I hope that it's not, but if it really turns out to be DE then it's bad genetic draw of the hand I guess..

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i dont believe there is proven solid reasons scientifically why DE happens.

to be honest, who cares

in nature, silver arowanas get drop eye.

its actually a natural accurence in some cases.

perhaps it comes from hunting for food not just from thetop but bottom fo the river too.

who knows.

as for apptetite, feed a lil more so longa syour filters can handle it

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Yeah I think my filter can handle it. My main aim before setting up the tank was not to overload it till the filter would struggle. 700 liters for one arowana, a Pleco and some convicts.. I think the BB isn't sufficiently supported lol!

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honestly, if you have good filtration, thereis not much harm in feeding a lil more.

of course not to the point where food sits for ages and ages

but if your aro wants to eat 3 prawns instead of 2, do it!

dont taper its growth by underfeeding and regulating its feeding.

remember in the wild, they eat all day through out the day during the day.

kinda grazing for things floating and things they can catch.

also, i find filters tend to (to a certain extent) grow in capacity to the feeding you do.

if you feed heavier, filters get stronger and get more bacteria.

bacteria are fed by the waste.

more waste they grow more bacteria (to a certain degree)

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