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Eheim Vs Fluval FX


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Just wondering which way to go.I'm getting ready to set up a tank it holds 570 ish L.It will be understocked So far there will be around 10 Clown loaches 2 Parrot fish and 3 Tin foil barbs...

Both the Ehiem 2260 and Fluval FX will be ok .I have Eheims in my other tanks but don't know much about the Fluvals

Any thoughts would be much appreciated :):)

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There are tons of threads discussing it on here and on the internet..

Basically the eheim is better but twice the price, all those that have the FX5 love it, it does a good job and is cheap, I brought a second hand FX5 3 years ago and it is still going strong, and is a very good size for my heavily stocked 540L african tank. Your tank will have a relatively small stocking level with those fish at least until your tinfoils and clowns get big.

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eheim is better because it has massive buckets on bio filtration and focuses on that.

some eheims dont even have mechanical filtration only bio.

fluval is both.

i recommend fluval anyday for value for money.


because its half price, but does the job the same i reckon.

and keeps your watervery clear, the turnover is huge!

eheim is nice - very well constructed and of course the best of the best.... but at a price.

and the difference is not twice

you are better off buying 2 fx5 instead of 1 eheim. no one can argue with that!

you end up spending the same or just a tiny bit more.

to get an eheim to filter the same as 1 fx5, you would need to spend 800 dollars or so.

thtas 2 fx5s right there at the right sale price!!

2 fx5 will filter a 3000 litre tank thats medium to medium/heavy stocking.

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i find even the largest eheims, turn over isnt tha tmuch.

bio filtration is good and all

but you have to make sure the water gets clear quickly after feeding and disturbing substrate.

i think fx5 is better at that.

also, there is a formula for bio filtration

you either have massive turnover or high surface area with less turnover..... there is a point where the lines will meet and become the same.

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I thought about a big Eheim on my 800ltr all loaches tank but decided on 2 x 2217's. All my tanks run Eheim 2217's because in 7 yrs and of the 7 x 2217's i run they've never given any trouble. I have a 2250 on my 500ltr grow out tank in the shed which works well, same flow rate as the 2217 but contains a lot more media.

The pins that hold the clips on the 2217's can be loose from factory but a quick squeeze with long nose pliers sorts that out permanently.

I prefer having 2 filters so when one is cleaned there is less disruption to the good bacteria and it also gives more scope for directing outflow, its nice to have 2 inlets at different heights in the tank as well which i think keeps the water clearer.

The best part of the classic's like the 2217 or 2260 are they are about the only filters that have an inlet at the bottom and outlet at the top so you know for sure the water is going through all the media.

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yeah no problems with eheim, in fact i wish i had more money for them:D

but i guess just value for money, i reckon fluval fx5 wins.

also i have heard that the thermo eheims are not as reliable as they could be?

dont know, but its awesome in concept. too bad that they only have 300w. kinda stupid as the filter is designed for a bigger tank needing more than 300w lol

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