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Failed shrimp hunt


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I went and played in a creek yesterday to try and find sum shrimp but failed to find any.

BUT, as usual, I came home with something :facepalm: just so I had an excuse to fill an empty tank


Inanga I think and some sort of bully. I'm sure someone will be able to confirm what they are for me...? I just about caught a 5cm flounder but it was too quick.

I will take a photo of the tank when it clears up.

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Inanga or smelt, or both?

You see the fish in the centre of the photo, angled at about 11'o'clock, its tail is forked, which is a smelt feature. inanga have square tails. Actually looking at the head shape (smelt are finer from above) I would hazard that there are five smelt and two inanga in the photo.

(side-view is easier, smelt have scales)

Don't have high hopes for the smelt, they often roll and die in the early days. Fingers crossed though. Just try to keep them nice and cold and avoid stressing them.

I came home with 25 flounder (~3cm average, one 10cm) last night and 64 dwarf galaxias today! I am not sure on the legal status of taking undersized flounder for the aquarium (commercial/recreational minimum size is 25cm, and chances are that applies to us too, which is bigger than you want in the average tank). I needed these for a public aquarium project and had a DOC permit. Pretty amazing fish, both species!

Manawatu estuary is amazing at night.

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Just about what Stella said...

inanga have a vertical-ish tail where as smelt have a pronounced v shape.

Of the first 1/2 dozen smelt that went in to my tank I think about 5 died with in 48 hours, of the next 2 lots of a ~1/2 dozen I think I lost only one. Big tank and cold water helps a lot I feel.

Went on a Kokopu hunt last night on only saw a few bullies, smelt, trout and 2 eels in a stream that I thought would be ideal :( very little in native or exotic fish life.


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