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A couple from my dragon spawn


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Sad news, my beautiful dragon male (profile pic) died... some bacterial infection ravaged my tank - took out a few of my females too :tears: can the new tap water play a part in bacterial infections? everything was normal and then one day I noticed my male was a little quieter than usual and the next day he was dead! Just a couple of days after that my 2 girls got dropsy, and then also lost a lot from my spawn (were in a separate by the way). Devastating! Here a couple from my spawn... got quite a few females from him but the ones that survived are showing the dragon scales :-)



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thanks for all your kind word :) only a measly 7 made it... and 5 of them appear to be girls - unsure of the other two though, they are a wee bit smaller. A lot of them got this strange disease where all of the sick ones had really clamped fins, turned pale, started darting around before they died and when they did die I noticed that their skull/brain appeared swollen and raised... tried my best to cure it but it just wouldn't go away. Water changes, epsom salt, antibacterial meds - the lot! Nothing I tried seemed to work... don't even know what disease they really had - nothing on the net could help me.

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  • 1 month later...

Your babies look awesome! Sorry to hear about your loss. It's always horrible losing them. We lost half a dozen recently when we shifted. We're down to like 5 females, mostly too old to breed. I was so attached to all of them. :(

Best of luck with the new generation though!

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