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The Shape of Life (youtube)


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I found this stunning documentary series on youtube, the first episode is on sponges extremely interesting, how could I not share.

There are 8 1 hour long documentaries.

This relatively obscure series (2002) is a real find. 1 hour long episodes tell the story of primarily invertebrates of the sea (sponges, anemones, flatworms, molluscs, arthropods, jellyfish, sea stars, etc…) over the course of time and how we relate and in some cases depend on these seemingly lowly creatures.

Amazing video footage and computer graphics clearly explain everything. The scope of the video is worldwide. This is documentary film-making at its best.

It’s a shame it’s not more widely known because it is easily as good as (better than, IMHO) PBS/BBC documentaries on the same subject.

It covers the evolution of life on earth by explaining the gradual changes in anatomy (invertebrates to vertebrates, etc).

Fascinating information, first-class photography and graphics, and some of the weirdest-looking creatures you have ever seen

Watch Here on Youtube

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