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Ideas for a 22 litre tank - can be cold or tropical


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Normally I hate these sort of threads but the worm has turned and now I'm starting one of my own :facepalm:

My bugs tank that has few bugs - first go at culturing daphnia in a tank was not a success so am thinking about whether to ditch that idea and use the tank for something else.



Tank details:

22 litres

Sponge filter as you can see

Small amount of gravel substrate - am not buying more so all future plants must be attached to the wood.

Lighting - 7 watt 6500k clip on variety, with a timer

Main factor - location is in the garage so it will not be in view most of the time. Therefore anything I put in there needs to be low tech, low maintenance. No stem plants wanted, no fancy rockwork and glosso either. Ideally the fish would be a single species and would be something that will breed if left to its own devices. And not guppies either.

Ideas so far:

Ember tetra

Emerald eye tetra

Mosquito rasbora

Clown killies (Aq Advisor says warning warning this tank is too small as they might grow to 3.5cm!!! haha)

A. Australe gold killies

More shrimp –semi pointless as I know they can’t breed in freshwater but they are fun to watch

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I like the idea of not needing a heater. The garage isn't cold in winter.

The driftwood has a hole through it, and I have some native moss in there already, I thought I would push some java or xmas moss through the hole and it grow through and up around the java fern. There would be plenty of places to hide.

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And with lots of moss etc any potential fry will have a better chance :D

Just to correct you, mountain minnows aren't egg eaters, they scatter eggs and forget about them. Moss is just good to collect food for the fry. Hence we have hundreds of thousands. :happy2:

Because they do not generally cannibalize their offspring, the parents can be left in the tank.

You can have some if you want. :wink:

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You would end up getting the half dozen or so cannibal minnows in the world. :dunno:

Josh breeds 'em mean & hungry

are your minnows in a tank or pond?

Celestial pearl danios - they breed in a tank that is mossed out and heater would be set low (I have read on some sites that they go down to 7C in their natural environment but 20-22 is good).

These are pretty as well.

My options are building :bounce:

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My tank culture of daphnia is only barely surviving but the small pond I have outside which is supposed to be producing the green water for the tank is literally red with the daphnia. Go figure!! I think its the direct sunlight on the pond as opposed to filtered sunlight on the tank thats the difference.

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Nature refuses to let me culture (read 'control') it!! :roll:

I will leave my bucket of green water outside and see what grows in there. If it ends up being a live food source then all well and good, I have a free tank.

Next thing I found was scarlet badi or dario dario! Those are very sweet little fish. It seems that a pair would be OK in a little tank.

I can feel a 'just looking' trip to HFF coming on this afternoon....

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Lots of interesting things at the shop as usual. Came back with a list of 20 potential species, got it down this far at least.

Choices I like best in no particular order :


white cloud mountain minnows

pearl danio


cory hastatus

scarlet badi

clown killies

gold australe killies

if anyone has any stories to tell about any of these I'd love to hear it.

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