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Dolphin slaughter-faroe Islands

Carlos & Siran

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We've received this email several times over the years, I decided to see if there was any truth in it, the first thing I saw on Google was "HOAX" and I thought, aha, that wouldn't surprise me, you can't believe anything on the internet but to my amazement it's all true, these people really do still do this. As far as I can work out it's a tradition that dates back hundreds of years and I guess in a way you can forgive their ancestors, it was their way and at the end of the day they needed to eat, but come on, they really don't have that excuse any more, not with KFC and McDonalds just up the road.

Horrifying, brutal and immensely irresponsible seems to sum this tradition up fairly well.



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aw no hope hovmoller doesnt see this :-?

Haha yeah got that email too..

Everything shown in that email is true. I have been to the faroe islands 2 times but have never witnessed this..

Carlos is right. It is a very old tradition that is kept alive for some reason. In the old days living on a few tiny islands in the atlantic you had to eat whatever you could get your hands on. But no it is not necessary anymore even though I believe Carlos is wrong about one thing: I don't think there are any KFC or McD on the Faroe islands :wink:

I would also just like to say that it is a very isolated tiny community with their own set of rules (even their own government) and most danes do not agree with the killing of pilot whales.

Edit: Sorry don't actually know if it was Carlos or Siran writting this

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