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Sick Angel fish?


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Hi all, we have an unknown age, female angel fish that seems lethargic and 'unable' to swim as usual, sitting on the bottom of the tank or leaning against sides/decorations. Colour looks fine (silver and black striped), has been eating, well was last night, no sign of fungus or growth of any sort on fish body or fins.....am at a loss of what to try next, watertests to follow.... Any ideas??? Please????

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1. tank is AR 980, so approx 215ltrs

2. tank was set up for at least 3months with tetras before angels were added, we had the angels in smaller tanks before that, just cant remember how long for, have had no issues with the angels or other fish before now, 980 has been set up for 7 months approx

3. last water change 2 weeks ago, approx 40-50 ltrs

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Get it out and into a seperate tank and start treating with a broad spectrum medication (wunder tonic / melafix etc.) (unless you can pinpoint the exact cause) and/or salt. Daily water changes. No food for a few days (fish can happily handle this - once they're better they'll eat). Watch the rest of the tank for any other signs over the next few days / weeks.

Those are my thoughts anyway...

Some people will say don't treat with medication unless you know what you're treating but I figure the fish is getting worse by the hour anyway so the worst thing that will happen is the fish is a gonner, best case it gets better instantly in a clean, well filtered tank with the broad spectrum meds treating the right thing.

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