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plec advice please!!!!


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hi all, I recently lost my goldspot plec from a tumour and am keen to replce him. I want something different this time. I am getting two golden black eyed b/noses and want another plec to join them. Thinking of a gold nugget but have heard they can be aggressive. anyone got any ideas?? I have dark gravel and want something that will stand out. It is a big community tank with cory's and kuhli loaches on the bottom. Thanks

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thanks for the replies.

Wet Pets dont have many different plecs, dont want albino, dont really like them once they are big! They have the odd gold nugget, but dont think i want one of them anymore. think I will take a trip up north and see what i find!

good luck with your new fish, hope they go better!

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i just bought a plec for my large tank to try and combat algae growth on my plants - Animates here in chch had redspot, goldspot and albino ones - i could really tell the difference between the red and the gold but i think i got a red one and he seems to be enjoying the abundance of food that has been provided

i had a little algae eater in there but he wasnt able to keep up so he has been moved to my little 12l and the pleco has the run of the large tank

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