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My new Lemonpeel is not eating + my old fire fish is hiding


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Ben - Its normal for a fish to not eat on introduction.

You sound like you have lots of food, I wouldn't rush out and buy any more or add any more to the tank. When a human is sick, stressed or unhappy its common for them to loose weight, the last thing you want is to be force fed a tonne of food, not unreasonable to think the same of your fish. And like humans, they can go for weeks without food so don't worry.

I would just continue to feed as normal, the addition of extra food will not help your tank.


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And like humans, they can go for weeks without food so don't worry.

I know I couldn't go weeks without food. :D And i'm sure the bottom would fall out of the Wellington pie market if you stopped eating for weeks Pies! :D

Fish usually do this sort of thing, once they settle in, you'll be trying to stop them from eating you when your hands are in the tank.


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Can you bring him back tomorrow.

I will put him in the cascadefor a while and we'll sort it out later.

Print a copy of this post and give it to Andrew, he will be there as its now my weekend, tell him to put it in the end cascade. Plz do this tommorrow as its getting a bit urgent.


Ben P

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was talking to someone, Im not too sure who now.

They had heard that the souce destination may be having a weak family line in them or something like that.

Dunno but he heard that a few people in the States have been writing in saying how difficult they were to keep.

May have been on a USA website somewhere.

No one apparently knows why they have become harder to keep.

Just info given to me. I dont know its integrity.

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