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Who said reptiles are dumb...


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About 3-4 days ago we carried Izzy (our beardie) over and showed him the guppies in the tank on the other side of the room (through the glass), which he tried to bite at, but then seemed to settle and just watch them. Just thinking it was kinda funny we thought nothing of it - until today.

Anyway, this morning I was sitting on the couch, beside his terrarium, and he came rushing up to the front after basking for a bit... and started frantically pawing at the glass. So I opened it up, wondering what this is about.

He came straight out, stopped on my leg for a few seconds, then kept running along the length of the couch, before jumping off and heading to the base of the other tank's stand.

Once he got there, he started trying to jump up and climb up to the tank (without much luck), so I went to pick him up. Once I barely had him off the ground, he jumped for the tank ledge (grabbing on) and sat and started watching the guppies. :o

I used my hand and supported him, while he sat there watching them, until I went to take him back to his terrarium (though he seems to now be very annoyed at me).

Oddest thing ever... :-? :-?

(PS Maybe I should get him a betta in small tank (with a lid) for his terrarium??) :lol: :lol:

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Hehe.... sounds like an awesome fulla....maybe he does need his own pet fish

Izzy is.... just had us both killing ourselves laughing, as we at first joked that was what he is was up to, but then realising it really was, just was the final straw and put us over the edge.

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sounds like guppies on the menue :lol:

LOL..... no. We only got these last weekend from Sunrise, and they are most definitely not on the menu. :lol:

Though you do have to wonder, can a bearded dragon fish? (imagines image of dragon with fishing rod and fishing hat).

It was just that Izzy was so directed to get over there (max 30 seconds from stepping out of cage to being at the base of the other tank stand).

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LOL..... no. We only got these last weekend from Sunrise, and they are most definitely not on the menu. :lol:

Though you do have to wonder, can a bearded dragon fish? (imagines image of dragon with fishing rod and fishing hat).

It was just that Izzy was so directed to get over there (max 30 seconds from stepping out of cage to being at the base of the other tank stand).

they are crap at fishing but will eat small fish.....

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anything that moves is what they go for,if it can fit into your mouth all the better?

Well he does keep trying to eat the either my signet or wedding rings.... I think that comes from associating shiny metal with food (due to tweezers for mealworms, dead crickets, etc)..

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