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what's the green mossy plant on the sand at the front left side?

monosolenium tenerum

Love this one. It's like a moss. No roots.

I'll try to post you a close-up pic.

In another tank, with 2x39w T5 and 30cm height (this tank is a 50 cm height), I got literaly a big carpet of this one. It doesn't need CO2 or fertilizer but with more light, it's very dense.

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:o Wow! :hail::hail::hail: How do you do that? What is your secret to creating a stunning piece of work like that? Tell me tell me TELL ME!!!

*yoda's voice*

Patient, you must be.

A lot of trials, you'll have to do.

One day, will be in your tank, a piece of nature.


I usually build a tank before I... got the tank. It begins with a driftwood or a rock that inspire me. For this one, I bought first the driftwood on the right. It was so beautiful, I instantly wanted to make something with it ! Then I built the aquascape from it, placing another driftwood, then some plate rocks and so on.

In another tank, a nano I made 3 weeks ago, it started with some volcanic rocks I found this summer, during holidays when I was walking though a mountain with some friends of mine. When I saw them, I said to myself : wow ! Gonna make a 20 L with these ones !!! (can't help myself collecting stones since I was kid... my parents was about to euthanize me cause of the usual 20kgs of stones I've been brought back home every holidays). And I made it one month after during a sunday afternoon.

I never draw a plan on a paper / screen. Indeed, I start to built the tank in my mind. I let it grows, give it time to make it mature. Then, when I feel it's ok (=nothing to remove), I built it somewhat quickly.

You have to train yourself to know instinctively what kind of plants / driftwood / stones you can use, how you can match them.

[edit for some mistakes I just saw]

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Cool thanks for telling me. Hopefully I might end up with something at least half as cool as yours - if I could make it that far, I'd be very pleased :D

Just wondered, do you use any substrate fertilizer (e.g. JBL AquaBasis Plus) underneath your main substrate, or root balls or something, or just liquid fertilizer?

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Yep, I used Aquabasis plus (only 10 L.) mixed with the first layer of manado. There's about 8-10cm of soil in the back. Then I add root balls (JBL, the ones for ponds, they are bigger) for each plant with big root system as cryptocorine, echino etc. I add new ones every quarter.

2 or 4 drops of Ferropol 24 daily (but sometimes I forget, no big deal, and you can use another fertilizer). Depend on the amount of vegetation.

DIY C02 I change every month.

When the tank is mature, (when bacteria have colonized the different layers of the soil), I hardly ever siphon off it. I use the substrate as a filter as well.

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