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What a sad sad weekend.


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Just after getting over the fact that my BT died from white spot this weekend some other issue has killed my Double saddleback butterfly and my yellow tail damsel. I cannot believe it the butterfly was my favorite fish and such a friendly we guy.

I did all I could for the fish but this disease took them in less than 24 hours after seeing any sign of illness, I feel so useless I never thought this hobby could be so disheartening. I guess we spend SO much time and money on our fish when things go wrong you kick yourself well I sure do.

I had my LFS check my water as my tests at home where showing no signs of bad water quality. The LFS tested it and also showed everything being stable.

Ammonia 0.00ppm

Nitrite: 0.00ppm

Nitrate: 5ppm (now at 0ppm after a water change)

kH: 8.5

Cal: 430 (Working on bringing up to 450)

Mag: 1150 (Still a bit low but am working on it)

Copper: 0.00 (tested just to make sure)

Temp: 26

The only change I have made to the tank was I have made 2x 20ltr (10%) water changed using RODI water from my LFS (not from my usual LFS) and I have also changed my salt to Sera Reef salt as the AquaOne salt ran out and was showing SUPER HI P04 readings straight out of the Bucket but this was after the death of the fish.

I have done a lot of reading online to try and pin point the possible problem as I can’t pick it from my water parameters.

The first signs my butterfly showed was cloudy eyes on Saturday evening followed by not eating and for him that’s not right at all, after that he showed powder like white spots and very lethargic swimming on Sunday morning, by Sunday night he was dead. I was already treating the cloudy eye with Melafix which my LFS and 2 other LFS mentioned I treat him with…. But this was before the other signs showed up.

I turned off my power heads as he could not handle the flow and was looking VERY weak by about 4pm Sunday not long after died. When I picked him out of the tank his tail and fins looked a bit tatted (pictures to come) So to me looks like a bacterial infection ?….. Is this possible with good water quality?

Below is what I have read online

Brooklynella - Similar in appearance to Uronema, these protozoa seem to be increasing in importance. The infections are initially confined to the gills but eventually will spread causing tissue irritation and skin slough producing ulcers.

Fish become lethargic and secrete excess mucus. Death can occur within twelve hours from toxins released by the protozoa. First indicators can include heavy breathing, cloudy eyes, excessive mucus and Ich like lesions. This parasite must be dealt with very quickly!!

A helpful read for fish Disease


When I read this it was too late and every sign above is what both the Butterfly and Damsel had : (

My firefish (Arnold) is showing a tatty tail but this morning looks to be healing and he is still eating and looking pretty happy with himself, the 2 baby clowns look in good health and are eating well and bobbing up and down all day as usual. Fingers crossed they hang in there but for now I plan to do another 20% water change on Wednesday and Friday as well as continue to treat with the Melafix to help with the tatty tail.

Any suggestions would be of great help.

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