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Mosquito Larvae 2010


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I hatched a few rafts this way but they didn't live long or prosper

Eeek I hope these ones go well! Already done their first water change :nilly:

and he has to keep them alive for 30 days too :sml2:

Nope they'll be gone well before then :lol:

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I've tried taking photos but the light reflects off the surface and you can't see anything but me peering in with a camera. They look just like that photo but teeny and teenier. Like zooming grass seeds. If I catch them when fishing for fish food I always put them back because they are too cool to be eaten and some are too big for my little fishes' mouths.

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  • 8 months later...

My bugtopia pond suffered the indignity of having all the plants put into plastic bags and then moving house recently. While moving the plastic inner part of the edge cracked so I took the opportunity to get a new plastic box. It's been settling in for about 3 weeks. Over winter all my bugs had died, not sure if it was just the cold or because there was a lot of blanket weed at the old place. There is still some on the plants I put back in, so I must leave a note to myself to clean it off.

But what I really posted this for was to say yayyy the daphnia is alive again. We saw one on Saturday and now there are a few more.

Very exciting news for minifish...


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