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L270 compatability


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Would come down to the catfish size relative to L270 and amount of hidey holes you have. The L270 would likely 'hunker down' in a tight spot somewhere and you would rarely see it.

Both are peaceful to all but their own kind in my experience so should be OK if you have room- what is tank size. I would thought 3ft would be minimum.

Competing for food could be a small issue as both nocturnal feeders. issue- a lights out night feed would be recommended, depending on other tankmates.

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Usual restraints around compatibility - e.g. tank size, other inhabitants etc, compounded by catfish being nocturnal so any signs of aggression might be missed. If you want to go ahead i'd make sure you have plenty of hidey holes and try to encourage some daytime feeding so you can track any potential injuries and seperate ASAP. Fish are individuals so you might get the rare ones who do get along, but generally more than one bottom dweller is too much competition for food/breeding, meaning a fight waiting to happen.

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