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fastest way to make amazons grow


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i am gonna plant my tank heavier wtih amazon swords as i love the look fo them.

anyways, i currenty will have a clay ball under eaqch plant.... what else can i do in my tank conditions to make their growth faster?

amazons are root nutriet absorbing plants ... excell? will that work?

i have a high turnover in my system

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You are doing the right thing with root ferts. Sword are heavy root feeders but also like good light and CO2 to grow quickly.

They will also grow quite well under low light but much more slowly.

I have even seen them grown in a tank next to an open window with all day sun. They were just floating on top of quite dirty water and they were huge and going crazy with plantlets coming off everywhere.

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CO2 injection definately, and keep the substrate rich. and dose iron supplement in the water column.

Excel will work but in the sized tank you are likely to need to grow swords it will cost a bomb, my 4 foot discus sword tank needs 30ml Excel / Day going the excel method. Cheaper to get a presurised CO2 system. (Although Excel worked fine its cost prohibitive in a tank that size)


Mainly vid of discus buit plenty of swords growing in background, amazonicus, red special, rose, osiris, red hormanie etc etc....

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i would start by reducing the turnover of your water change system.

Any additives you put in the water column are just going to be wasted otherwise, and with a tank that size, thats a lotta waste.

not only that, plants love nitrates. discus can tolerate them in small quantities, 20ppm easily so dont be too worried. Aros are even hardier and 40ppm is no worries.

reduce your surface movement as much as you are comfortable with, just slight ripples should be fine as you have a huge surface area already. keeps more natural co2 in the water that way.

Only then start looking at lighting, CO2 injection perhaps, and ferts - if even required.

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