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clown mating rituals


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How many peoples clowns (perc or occillaris) have laid eggs??

mine have started exhibiting what i think looks like mating behaviour, they swim around different parts of the tank together (when they decide to leave the anemone) and mainly focus on one spot which is the left hand side of the tank, they then shimmy along the glassback and forth taking turns. From what i can see they arent laying eggs but rather preparing the spot for egg laying, ive read that they like to thoughroly clean the potential nesting site.

any one got some ideas or noted the same thing whith their fish? Didnt yours lay eggs steve

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I have a pair of maroon clowns, they lay eggs just below their anemone, but the male also spends loads of time moving stones around the tank. They havent laid eggs in a while though as I have moved house 2 times in the last 6 months and had to get another anemone as the other one I had split and just got too damn big.

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