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Eheim Thermofilters


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Ok. Thanks guys. I'll have a look at Caryl's FX5 then. I had another look in my Eheim Product book, and it said that the Pro. 3 1200 can fit 12 liters of media. But two Fluvals for the price of 1 Eheim sounds quite good, so I'll probably end up getting a couple of Fluvals. They sell Eheim Substrat Pro at the petshop here, and it's quite a good price too, so I'll get some of that when I'm ready.

I'm going to try and find an Eheim Classis 250 2213, and gather the rest of the bits I need, so I can set up the first nano tank. It's going to be something like 50x25x25cm, and made out of OpyiWhite Glass. I'm thinking of using a couple of 8 watt T5 PowerGlos for the lighting. They're 30cm, so I'll also have a power compact on each side of the tank, since the powerglos don't run the whole length of the tank. You can get PowerGlos that are like 47cm or something, except they're T8, and I want T5s, which only come in 30cm. The next size up is 55cm. I'm going to put Ember Tetras in it :D

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