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Christchurch earthquake and tanks!


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Hi all, no idea where to post this! Mods please move if you can think of a better location!

Just wanted to hear from any Chch people about this morning's earthquake and see if all of your tanks are okay? There was someone posting on Yahoo! just before who said all their fish tanks got broken. :( I hope everyone and their fish are okay.

Further, seems a good time to think about how we might go about 'earthquake-proofing' our tanks – if that is at all possible. Ideas?

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Everyone, this is a real wakeup call to earthquake/disaster preparation.

We've all seen the ads telling us to prepare, but how many of us do?

I wish we'd had proper torches, batteries, a battery powered radio... Bottled water... brackets on furniture! My book case fell over onto my bed just as I got out of it.

House is fine though, we got lucky I think. Just got water sloshed all over the floor....

But others are not so fine, I'll wait for them to tell their stories though :(

GRRRRRRRRRRRRR can't believe there are looting scum, just seeing the news now.

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