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help with kokopu


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Oops, ok this was a week ago, so you have probably seen if anything is going to happen or not. Even if irrelevant now for you, it might be useful for people trawling old threads.

In general:

If it is into the flesh, that is a bad thing. Otherwise tails usually grow back fine.

If the water quality and maintenance is really regular, your chances of infection are low, because the fish should be healthy and the water clean. If you have been slack, be more paranoid and do more waterchanges, though don't do a huge overhaul.

An infection is furry. A regrowing fin is a thin, fine membrane first and usually grows pretty fast.

If an infection starts, add salt at a rate of 1/2 tsp salt per litre. Double the regularity of the waterchanges and replace the salt removed each time.

As for your koura, how big is it? I find they become risky at 7cm and bigger, but a lot depends on the personality of the cray and the size of the fish. If it is little, just keep an eye on injury frequency. Crays are fast learners and he might have just learned that if he attacks fish he gets food.

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