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Dwarf flags stopped eating. Help!


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recently I got a school of emerald catfish for my tank and at first my flags were fine, but for the last week or so they have been hiding and not even coming out to eat. I occasionally see them right before lights out so I know they are both still alive. At first i thought they might be breeding but they havn't been territoral at all like I would expect.

Any ideas?

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have you tried bloodworms or something like that?

still no love :cry:

How much light is there? Did you do any thing to change the tank before hand?

hadn't thought about that. I did increase the light a bit a few days before they started hiding, but it's still not super bright (two T8s). they are swimming around now that the lights are off so you may be onto something there.

maybe some floating plants would help?

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male died today. the wound that he recieved during transport (months ago) was worse that I thought (it looked like just a few missing scales but was a lot deeper) and I guess eventually got to him. female still looks fine and Ill get a new mate for her when one becomes available. So I guess all the hiding over the last several weeks was just him not feeling well. got some floating plants anyway.

thanks for your advice

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