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Another Tank =] Let the fun begin


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Just scored this. :bounce:

Needs a bit of a cleanup but should come out good.

Gonna have to make a stand for it now :o

Going slow on this tank but will update.

In my last setup, which was quite small compared to this one, it got messy with the glosso. So am sticking to the basics this time. Atleast in this setup I can put bigger plants in :lol: without over crowding the tank

Still trying to get my pressurized co2 setup completed :x

I want to build an overflow/sump and have all the equipment in the sump. The tank is roughly 200L, do I need a 200w+ heater in the sump?

The search for plants now begins


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3 Large tanks and $55 later :roll:


The largest one is 1140mmL x 390D x 430H 8)

The smaller ones are 915mmL x 300D x 325H

3? the largest will be the main tropical FW tank. The smaller one with the dividers will be a tank for growing submerged plants. The other one will be a native FW tank.

So many possibilities now :bounce:

Another question, I plan to make a trickle design on the sump, but am thinking about putting my sump inside this:


.....for insulation and evaporation purposes. Going along the guide that the more oxygen access for a trickle filter the better, will sealing it inside this polybox defeat the purpose?

Also as you can see the tanks are rather dirty, other than a softbrush/toothbrush, a bit of a spray, and some elbow grease....are there any other methods to getting the extra scum off the tanks?


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Cleaning wise I would go for a stiff backed razor blade and a heap of white vinegar.

What plants you after when you have the tanks clean?

Thanks, will do that after a bit of spray out.

Not too sure on the plants yet. Looking at something simple and not so light demanding. Im sure Ill go through a few designs. Space = potential, might start looking for some rocks and wood first, then go from there.


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Also as you can see the tanks are rather dirty, other than a softbrush/toothbrush, a bit of a spray, and some elbow grease....are there any other methods to getting the extra scum off the tanks?

I second vinager, and baking soda is good also. use both together for foaming fun! Washing soda (sodium carbonate) I hear is more powerful than baking soda but I havn't tried it.

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how did the cleaning go?

Been doing it in steps :roll: :lol: Just doing the big tank for now. I decided to fill it with water, let the water soak into the dirt, but also double as a leak test which has come back alright. But might get some sealant and go over the edges just to be sure.

Still buying things to go along with the setup, lights, sump materials etc. And also going through a design process of the aquascape :)

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Looking good :) Alot of those water marks can be hard to remove and sometimes actually etch into the glass.

Also if you are concerned about the silicon they don't waste your time going over the old stuff, the new silicone wont stick to the old stuff very well, and if the old stuff is already on the way out it will just peel out and take the new stuff with it.. If it is dodgy then you are best to cut it all out and start again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

UPDATE: Well the tank has been cleaned up :) , unfortunately with most 2nd hand tanks you can expect scratches on the glass and thats exactly whats on the inside. It looks like the previous owner took no care in removing the stones from the tank. Most of it is at substrate level but there are some above that, some deep enough for my fingernails to catch on :( so if anyone has any tips, if its possible, to buff out the lighter scratches please share.

I've also been designing a stand for the tank, and also doing some online browsing/shopping. My sodastream adapter turned up yesterday, now I just need the regulator which is what I'm looking at. Also in my nano tank Ive been keeping a close eye on my otos, one of them has gotten fat :)

I'm off to Perth in a couple weeks for a holiday, and the big tank probably wont be setup by then, but I'm moving focus towards the other tanks and might setup the CW Native tank before I go. Will update if it all goes to plan.


Tank all clean


Scratches :(




Frame complete (what I want it to look like, obviously with doors etc)


Otos (the top one has gotten fat, eggs??) Algae has crept up a bit too :oops:


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