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Are these lights OK for my set up?


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I bought a light fitting today for the new tank I'm setting up and am wondering if you think that the tubes that came with it are OK for my plan or if I should go out shopping for a different tube or 2. I have read over the lighting sticky but it doesn't really answer my questions...

So the fitting looks like this http://www.trademe.co.nz/Home-living/Pe ... 151218.htm (but not this sort, this is not an ad!) and it's 50cm long. It came with 2 x 14000k T5 tubes and on the tubes it says 8W 220V 50Hz and they are 26.5cm long. It seems like a good amount of light to me, but is it too much for someone who won't be using CO2?

The tank it's for is 30cm deep (a bit less when gravel goes in), 50cm long and 28cm wide.

The plants I have so far are bolbitis and standard java fern (both staggered up a log that reaches the surface), riccia floating, duckweed floating, and hornwort that will be allowed to grow to the top. Will probably get some twisted val as well, maybe some moss to cover a stone or 2.

Fish are going to be killifish - clowns and aphyosemion of some sort.

Fertiliser will be flourish comp and excel, and no extra CO2. As the main plants are attached to the wood there won't be any extra fertiliser in the substrate.

a) don't want algae of course

b) don't want to make the fish need to wear sunglasses

c) want the plants to be happy enough


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let me rephrase my questions to anyone who cares to lend a point of view then:

What is 2 x 14000k generally considered good for? warming lizards?

What would be the recommended lighting for the sort of set up I describe in my first post?

thank you

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let me rephrase my questions to anyone who cares to lend a point of view then:

What is 2 x 14000k generally considered good for? warming lizards?

What would be the recommended lighting for the sort of set up I describe in my first post?

thank you


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Some people just use 18000k tubes over their planted tanks, I use various tubes from 6500k - 18000k on my tanks, so 14000k should be alright for plants. I think you will find most people with planted tanks, that use fluorescent tubes, use ones above 6500k. As P44 said, 14000k is an unusual colour (ie not readily available) but it does fall within the range of commonly used tubes.

They won't warm lizards any more or less than other tubes, notwithstanding the latent heat produced as a normal part of operation.

Hope that helps.

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Used for marine corals as a 'compromise' instead of having multiple 18000K / 20000K and 10000K tubes if i dare say so. but yeah, mostly used on marine.

I think you should try it for plants. I have seen some very good results with a 14000K halide on a planted tank / plants.

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thanks to all for your comments. :D

do marine systems need more light to penetrate the salt or something???

and what is difference between halide lighting and fluoro in terms of having seen it do well for a planted tank previously?

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