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Cold Water Tank


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Brother wants to set up a 10-20L cold water tank for guppies.

Dad is currently undecided, but Brother asked to post here any way...

His questions...

A)how many?

B)what types?

C)what do I feed them?


A)How many guppies could I have in a tank of this size?

B)If possible are there any other types of cold water fish he could have as well with/instead of guppies?

C)Can I feed them the food we already have? (tetra food)


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I wouldn't do guppies in pure "cold water" they don't really handle temperatures below 18C really well. There is a debate and plenty of people who claim "cold water guppies" when they sell them that is based on the fact they were living in unheated water in a warm petshop but there really isn't such a thing.

I would go for something like leopard fish as they go well down to almost 0C..

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You still have to be careful what you stick in a tank that small with a heater.. I would go for some of the smaller danio/rasbora species that have come in lately, or maybe male guppies/platties. If you put male and female live bearers in there they will soon overrun a tank like that, of course you could add some and then add something to control the population too, but again you run out of room in a tank that small.

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