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bloodworm question


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Is it ok to re freeze bloodworms? I ask this as i got my sister to feed my fish at the weekend and she put my bloodworms in the fridge for a couple of days before remembering and then put them back into the freezer. just want to make sure they will still be ok before i feed them

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As a general principle domestic freezers are only at about -10 deg whereas commercial ones are required to be below -18 deg and will go all the way down to -30 something degrees. The storage life of fish is doubled between domestic and commercial temperatures and will increase even more at -30 odd degrees. In addition commercially frozen food is snap frozen and therefore the size of the water crystals that are formed are minute compared to taking days to freeze at domestic temperatures. The large crystals damage the cell walls and destroy the structure of what is being frozen.

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Slightly off topic but I was reading a bloodworm packet today and assuming they are between $5.00 and $7.50 per 100g pack and have 95% water isnt that only 5 grams of usable food per 100g pack and $1000 - $1500 per kg?

I bought them anyway :o

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