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been around a while....


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Hay, ive been posting for a while now but i never introduced myself. very rude i know!

im 25 and live in avondale, auckland. I keep fish for many years with my brother when i was a teenager - started with small coldwater tank like everyone, then had a 3ft tropical community tank for many years that I upgraded to 4ft. kept a varity of fish - gouramis, dwarf chichlids, loaches, etc. I also tried my hand at brackish, had an archerfish, gobies, puffers had lots of fun with that. When i moved out of home my brother took charge, but by that stage alot of my fish were reaching the end of their lifespan and we were both very busy.

so about 5 years later I thought i'd get back into it. I at first wanted to get another brackish tank but i spent a year looking for archerfish and failing so i gave up. Now I have a south american community thats been running for about 6 months and doing great. I'm trying to do things differently than last time, lots more plants and more carefully selected fish. I will at some point try my hand at breeding as well.

I have two cats who think the fish are for their entertainment. I have also kept birds (kakarikis (even bred them), love birds) lizards (native geckos, skinks) in the past. but fish are a lot more fun!

so yeah thats me.

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Nice to see you have finally introduced yourself. 8)

Welcome to the fishroom and I hope you enjoy it.

I think the best thing about fish keeping is the variety of interests it can cater to within the hobby. :bounce:

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