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Experiences with Mystus Catfish


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Hi there

I am trying to decide whether to get a Mystus Catfish (silver), as our local shop has some in. Problem is they just seem to hide all the time. Has anyone had experience with these? I can't find much info on the net.

Are they okay for a community tank (4ft, gouramis, tetras, bristlenose) and if I did get one would I ever see him, or would he spend his life hiding?

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This is where I need advice. My tank is community and 4 foot. I have read that they could turn into monsters? I presume 1 will be enough. Do they spend their lives hiding, or will I actually get to see him out and about?

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Looks to be a species of Arius (shark or salmon catfish) in which case 20cm would be the minimal size i would count on being adult. They will eat anything that fits in there mouths, once accustomed to your tank he will come out alot more rarely sitting still.


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Thanks for your replies. Okay, I have been doing a lot of research and am about 100% sure they are the Pearl Mystus Catfish (Castaneus). However from all of my google efforts, I still cannot find any personal experiences suggesting whether or not one would be a wise addition for my tank. Will I ever see him, or will he hide all the time? Will he be agressive towards my other fish, or will do they have nice personalities? Or is it just luck. I have a red tailed shark which I deliberated over for many a month due to mixed comments on their aggression, but he is one of the most peaceful fish in my tank. Just cruises around all day and night doing his own little thing and never bothers anyone. (I love him). Any more advice would be appreciated so that I can make a decision about getting the Mystus.

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