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My 2 foot and 6 foot pics


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I havent posted for a while and finally got some pics off my camera for you to look at.

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there is some pics of my lil 2 ft planted where my kribs breed quite happily, its a bit algafied from using the wrong liquid fertiliser at the start, but since have bought some excel flourish and the algae is showing signs of dying off with red/brown tinges after 2 days, i usually razer blade the front panel but have lost my blade.

There is some pics of my 6 ft tank work in progress which should be up and running soon, hopefully if all goes to plan, its going to be a planted tank transferred from the 2 ft and the 2ft is going to a new home or may use it a krib breeding tank.

I need to practise taking pics of tanks lol



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Hiya Ballistic

I am in auckland, prolly a tad far for some kribs.

thanx for the compliments, i been fishkeeping off and on over the years, always wanted a large fully planted tank, have been resonbly sucessful with the recent smaller one so now on a bigger challenge.

oh also ignore the date in those pics on the 2ft ones, i left the batterys out of the camera too long and didnt reset the date / time but they was taken today.



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Hi Thunderstorm,

What kind of lighting are you using on your 2 foot tank?

I use 2x 15w Floros. I used to have a severe algae problem, but in the last 2-3 days it has completely gone away. Even the algae on the side of the tank has gone. One fine day, after a water change, the algae was gone. It did not grow back.


Its all good, except for the renegade snails :D in the tank. But they are not so bad. Im very happy to be rid of the algae.


And my male and female guppy. I am setting up a new tank for the female so she can drop the babies into a secure environment. Dont they look great :P

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Hiya breakaway

Im using 2 x 20W Power Glo.

I did have 2 x 15W energy savers bulbs as well but took them out.

On my big tank im not going to use the ones from the fishy shop, after reading about lights on here im just going to use normal fluros in the right light range which i will have to read up on again :lol:

What made your algae go away?

Those are nice guppys, im not a guppy person but those are nice :)



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What made your algae go away?

Hmm, Im not too sure here. Im guessing that the water change fixed some nutrient imbalance. The tank is also relatively new (6 months), and now that its established, it has a better chance of not having algae. Algae will never go away completely (In most cases). Like someone put it, "Its a fact of life."

I haven't up to today added any kind of chemical or conditioner to my water. Except for activated carbon to remove water impurities - the salesperson convinced me that I needed it. But since my tank has been running just great without it for the past month or so, Ive decided to not buy it anymore.


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breakaway : Thats good about your algae, Im still fighting with BB (thanx to using a phosphate sp? rich fertiliser) in my 2 ft but its slowly dying off.

Update on my 6 ft tank, finished off the plumbing tonite and tested it, well ggeeezzz lol, some may remember i was going to use a small spa pool pump. uummm lets just say im looking for another pump lol.

The flow was awesome, prolly wwaaayyy too much for a planted tank, might have been ok for a multi return marine tank :) but the noise ggeeezzzz, 747's taking off come to mind, had my girlfriend on the phone at the time and she said "if ya gonna use that pump im not staying the night" lol

I know some of you will laugh shaking ya head as you read this but hey, i had to try it lol



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I also meant to say I buy wallpaper scrapers for getting algae off the glass. They have nice wide blades in them and a handle so are easier to use than razor blades. You can also buy them in packs in some $2 shops or they go on special for $1 each in Mitre 10 when they have their big sales.

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The 6ft has been pumping for a month or so now, Still using the spa pool pump with a valve on the outlet, works very well, doesnt over heat.

Still need to make my combined spraybar/overflow, get that sorted and then make a moss wall i seen on here in another post, i thought that would look really cool :) plus it would hide my plumbing and such.

Just waiting on the 5ft bit of driftwood to sink and then i can drain it and lay down the aquatic mix and top layer of the substrate.

Im not happy with my sump as its proving difficult to include the crypty growing area i wanted in it, i had made the sump first then thought about the plants, i have seen another , better design but for now what i have will do till i make a better one.

I have made and tried poor mans dupla drops in my 2ft, seems to be doing good, still playing to get the mix right, need to get a test kit i think.

All the ingredients i got from switched on gardener in manukau except for the potassium nitrate, Dont think he believed me when i said it was for my fishtank lol

The potassium nitrate i "aquired" as i couldnt buy it anywhere as its a ingredient for gunpowder lol, but if you work for a high school or a uni or know some one who does then you should be able to get it.

Thanx Peter

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