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Well, it’s not even full blown summer yet, and I am struggling with the temperature of my tank already. I am completely over having to incrementally turn on and off all these damn fans in order to keep my temp reasonably under control. :evil:

So, I wanted to ask for recommendations for chillers that can handle approximately 2000L. What are the better brands? What prices you do you think are reasonable for them? Where to get them? There wouldn’t by chance be anyone that has a spare they are looking to unload?


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you'll be looking at paying $900 - $1300 for 2nd hand. mine cost me $850 (for a 1/2hp) but that was a hell deal. if you buy new expect to pay no less than $2k. via aqua and aqua logic are a couple of brands that come to mind. pm jetskisteve and Im sure he'll be able to source one for you.

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You can wire the fans onto the same timer that runs your lights, that way they are on with the lights, and off with the lights.

How hot is it getting? Most fans will knock off between 2-3 degrees.

You can also raise your lights. Chillers are damn expensive, both to run and to buy.


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I have actually gone the timer route for one of the two small computer fans (4" types) in my hood that work in conjunction with the lights, but at times it actually pushed my temp pretty low on its own. I shoot for an average temperature of 26.5 since it is now moving towards summer and harder for me to keep those temps down. (25 during the winter) With the one fan set on a timer on these cloudy cooler days, it can drop my temp down to 24 on its own if I (or rather my wife when I’m at work, which irritates her significantly) am not around to periodically check on it.

I am shooting for consistency in temp. I don’t want to have more than a 2 degree temp swing in a day if I can help it. Optimally, it would be less than that, but just too difficult with this fan set up.

The main problem is that my wife insists that the tank be in the conservatory until we buy our new house (year or so away) and have a dedicated fish room due to my unfortunate incidents of massive water spillage early on. Because of this, I am especially sensitive to weather changes. Just last week with the slightly warmer temperature (sunny 25 degree day), I had to gradually turn on my fans as the temperature rises and then gradually turn them off as evening approaches. I have 5 in total: two computer fans in the hood, one box fan also in the hood, another box fan in the window blowing onto the refugium and another to free stand in the door to cool the room itself. So this procedure is a real PITA and on this nice 25 degree day, the tank temp still climbed to almost 28 degrees with all those fans on!!! I really don’t see any way that I am going to keep up as the summer moves on.

Given this insane situation with the conservatory pushing temps even higher than the outside temps, do you think that purchasing a large chiller will even help, or is the only option to convince the Mrs. that it must go in the lounge? For the sake of my marriage, I HOPE that this isn’t the case.

I guess another alternative is to get a “controller†to turn these fans on and off with changes in the ambient and tank temperature. I have a mate (and fellow reefer) here in CHCH that specializes in these things. I may have to give him a call and try to work out a deal!

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I got an old water chiller from work the other day (big white thing with blue water bottle that sits on top). I was thinking about DIYing a chiller using this by running a few loops of hose through the 'bucket' where the bottom of the bottle nomally sits maybe putting water or oil in it to transferr the heat (cold!). Has anyone tried this?

Joeblog, I'm also in the market for a temp controller can you PM me if you track one one??

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Funny, I just sent Robert an e-mail with the proposition. :wink:

I think that you are right about the cost (you would certainly know seeing that this is your area as well). I really hate these damn fans!

I am seriously considering moving the tank, but have been put off by my last move experience as well as your (Layton's) post on the move (not to mention the wrath of my wife). Hope the fish/corals are recovering well BTW. :)


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suphew, the problem with most DIY chillers is that it's relatively hard to source proper materials for them to work very well. Finding titanium coils is the problem, pvc tubing is a poor conductor (of heat) which makes most DIY chillers virtually useless. If you could make a heat exchanger out of titanium you may have a chance.


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Agree with Layton, very hard to get cost effective titanium pipe/coil and plastic won't conduct the heat.

As for moving the tank, even if a chiller was 1 million dollars *add austin powers accent there* it would be better than moving a tank.

Good luck, I too have concerns about heat over the summer as our new house is so much sunnier than the last. Be interested to see how everyone goes.


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I had the same problem with heat a while back. Tank hitting 28 at 2 am. I installed the 2 computer fans and changed my lighting phases. My blues only come on at 2pm and the whites at 3pm. Whites out at 11pm and blues at 12:20am. This took away my temp problems. I put the fans (and lights) on electronic timers that I bough from Bunnings. They allow me to set time increments as little as 30 minutes. The fans drop my temp by 1deg in less than 30 minutes. Pm me if you would like the name of the timer. They cost me something like $23 each.

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The ones in Hollywood are call Resun. China brand but it does OEM for the japanese so it's quality are ok. The pricing in hollywood :lol: :lol: :lol:

Was going to help you guys out with some cheap chiller but the timing itn't right...because summer can't wait another 1-2months for them to be shipped here :(

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Isnt someone selling a temp controlling computer over the private trade and exchange couldnt this be used to run the fans when the temp hits a certian value (although deer very effective)

To cool the conservitary you could try putting in some verosol aluminium coated pleated blinds in the incline cealing windows. Also very expencive but i have installed blinds in a conservitary that was 30 deg. c and by the time the blinds were in it was down to 26 deg. c and will also filter out all uv light without blocking off your view (if you were to go with this I would only sugest a Weathermaster or Luxaflex agent as they are the only autherised agent)

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