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I think my tank is all wrong???


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We have purchased a tank two weeks ago and it is an established tank and came with fish. However after doing a bit of reshearch I think the fish in it are all wrong for this tank. We have an AR620 its is 90 ltr tank.

I have 2 pearl Gourami, and Im pretty sure they are both male, they spend a lot of time chasing each other. I dont think two males is a good idea.

I have a Gold Gourami and he is lovely but at this stage is only about 5cm and I have read he will grow to about 15 cm, and can become aggressive, is he right for my tank?

I have a Sucker Catfish who is about 15cm and pulls out all the plants, he is pretty cool but distructive as he is so big. Will he get bigger? Iv been doing some reshearch but cant seem to find how big he will get. He is a ginger color.

I have one lonely clown Loach who after two weeks I have become very attached to, but I have just learned how big he is going to get and I am feeling sorry for him as he has no friends. I Have no space for a bigger tank.

I have 4 Tetras and I know i need more as there should be at least 6 to keep them happy. Do i have to get the same type?

I also have a very little bristle nose and you dont even know she is there.

Any advice would be good, a tank that comes complete with fish is not always a good idea ah. Im learning. just need to swap a few fish around I think.

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Is your 'sucker mouth' a plec or catfish.

If its a plec then likely to be what we call common plec like this

http://www.planetcatfish.com/catelog/sp ... ies_id=177

or this

http://www.planetcatfish.com/catelog/sp ... ies_id=148

If so then it would be the first I'd be looking to remove.They grow big, will destroy and uproot plants and they make a lot of waste which will stretch the filters ability to process it and needs lots of vacuming.

I'd probably move one pearl and Gold gourami also.

Clown loach will take some time to get to big size but as you know will be very hidey and sad as he likes to be in a group.

You can add more tetras and they don't need to be the same. Rasboras are another option.

With the size of tank i'd be looking at something like a pair of keyhole cichlids or Bolivian rams which are cute , cheap and easy to care. Other small cichlids like a species of 'Apistogrammas' or blue rams are beautiful but harder to care for and more expensive.

The Bristle nose I'd leave.

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Thanks for your help firenzenz. My suker looks like one in the 2nd lot of pictures you sent. I will need to find him a new home. he is very very messy. and you are right, one of the Pearl Gourami need to go. now I have to decide which one. one has beautiful markings but he is mean and rules the tank, the other is not as pretty but he likes to be at the front and not hide.

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On the plus side, if you sell all the unsuitable fish you can use that money to buy more!

My old flatmate once brought an established tank, she ended up selling all the fish it came with (eg 2 oversized plecos, a lone, large clown loach, an aggressive electric yellow) and she nearly made back the original cost of the setup! And then bought smaller and more suitable fish.

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