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kribs have layed eggs!!


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Bought some kribs 2 weeks ago. Put them in my community tank. First thing they did was start building a cave in the sand under a large rock. cool to watch, spitting sand everywhere.

Last night it happened! They lay eggs all over the underside of the rock. Where laying for about 4 hours. She would go in and turn upside down, lay some eggs then come out. He would go in and turn upsidedown, do his thing, come out and then they would start all over again. kids watched with great interest, thought it was the greatest thing they had ever seen.

Any help about raising kribs, what to expect, how to help them if any fry should hatch?

Should i move them or leave them alone?

Have googled kribs so know the basics but all help would be greatly received.

Will try to get some photos up soon.

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Firstly congrats on the eggs!

What other fish are in the tank? The babies survival depends on what others are cruising around ready to eat them. I have bred kribs with guppies in the tank and had good survival rates the parents guard them quite well.

Do you have other tanks to remove and raise the fry? Do you want to?

My advice if you wanted to keep as many babies as possible would be to let the parents get them to free swimming and then siphon them into their own tank. Krib fry are very easy to care for they will even go as far as to eat crushed flake or decap brineshrimp. They will go better if you feed them some microworms or newly hatched brineshrimp for the first few weeks.

Or of course if you have another tank you could leave this batch and then move the parents (or even move all the other tank mates into another tank so they cannot eat the fry) as it wont be long before they breed again.

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They are in with platties, guppies, mollies, 2 dwarf gourami, 3 bolivian rams, 2 1.5cm blue rams, 4 tetra, 1 red tail shark, 1 pleco, 2 algae eaterss, 12 danios, and 2 rosy bards.

I do have another tank i can move them into when they are free swimming.

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I would do as Ryan suggested, assuming you know what you are going to do with all the fry you have raised!

Kribs sometimes move their fry too. They will defend them vigorously but it is 2 fish against many so they will only have partial success.

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They are in with platties, guppies, mollies, 2 dwarf gourami, 3 bolivian rams, 2 1.5cm blue rams, 4 tetra, 1 red tail shark, 1 pleco, 2 algae eaterss, 12 danios, and 2 rosy bards.

I do have another tank i can move them into when they are free swimming.

There are quite a few fish in that tank so I wouldn't be confident of them making it very far probably not even past the egg stage with those algae eaters (they cruise around in the dark and eat the eggs). You can try and leave a night light on so they can attempt to guard them all night if you want to.

Also be aware that there is a very limited market for standard kribs make sure you have a petshop that will take them :)

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how long after they started building a cave did they lay eggs ? mine have been moving sand around for about a week now - i dont think there is much left under the log they are excavating :)

Bought some kribs 2 weeks ago. Put them in my community tank. First thing they did was start building a cave in the sand under a large rock. cool to watch, spitting sand everywhere.

Last night it happened! They lay eggs all over the underside of the rock. Where laying for about 4 hours. She would go in and turn upside down, lay some eggs then come out. He would go in and turn upsidedown, do his thing, come out and then they would start all over again. kids watched with great interest, thought it was the greatest thing they had ever seen.

Any help about raising kribs, what to expect, how to help them if any fry should hatch?

Should i move them or leave them alone?

Have googled kribs so know the basics but all help would be greatly received.

Will try to get some photos up soon.

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