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Ideas for a feature fish in community tank

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Hi all

Such a nasty day outside thought I'd do some research on what fish I'm going to put into my tank. I have a Ar 620 (90L) tank, and am cycling it with 5 danios at the moment. Next month I would like to put in 6xneon tetras and 1xbristlenose plec. Once they're settled I want one or two fish that would be larger fish, not that busy, but happy with my little fellas, any suggestions? I was going for a couple of Dwarf gourami's?

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Dwarf gouramis are real cool. The downside is that 99.9% of the time we will only get males into the country. And the males are not too terribly friendly to each other. They do a whole 'this tank ain't big enough for the both of us' western showdown and the smallest of the two will generally lose out. If you would like to keep them try to keep a bunch of them so the aggression isn't so focused.

Blue rams are perty. As are Keyhole cichlids.

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