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gourami problems over


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After fixing my sick gourami i put him back in the main tank and the Siamese fighter and swordtail hassled him to death literally! I was hoping to have a try at breed ing gouramis but both blues and both lemon coloured ones have died over the last 4 months. Are they sensitive particularly?

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I always thought gouramis were like most anabatonids and would be firley agressive when it comes to holding their own. Although I know fighters can be agressive at times. If you want to bred them they should breed the same as all bubblenest builders, so should be fairly simple if you buy more to breed.

good luck


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Ira, how big will those pearl gouramies get? Steve mentioned that the parents were huge.

Hi Jude

I have three and one of them is at least 10cm long and just about as wide - from eating all the baby platies I think! You can see a not very good photo of her on my Fish webpage, URL below.

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