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Does anyone have a CO2 Test Kit I could borrow?


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Hi everyone,

At school we are doing these science experiments. My experiment is "What is the best way to dissolve CO2 into the water of a tropical freshwater aquarium?" I am going to trial a diffuser, a powerhead, a ladder reactor and a CO2 Bell. Does anyone have a spare ladder reactor or a bell I could borrow? I also need a CO2 Test Kit to borrow please. If anyone has any of the above I request to borrow, please contact me ASAP. I only have 2 weeks to complete the test. Oh and Caryl, I'm at school at the moment if you want to know! The teacher gave me permission to go on the forums.

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I think I have a co2 test kit.

I will have a look for you Joe.

Another cheaper way might be to look at pH change.

Ie what is pH of water prior to C02

then after 5 10 15 30 60 mins and then after 24 hours.

pH can then tell you amount of saturated C02?

Just a thought


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soft is not a measure of pH

but surely you will be using water with a varience say ph 6 7 & 8 to look at effect of C02 in a varitey of tank situations?

and if you are not going to do that then maybe just use tap water as a control

any test is only as accurate as you make it Joe

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Got a KH test kit?

No I don't. Just a pH test kit. Nothing else! Can someone PLEASE answer my FIRST question about borrowing the test kit, bell and ladder reactor. Thanks Navarre for answering the test kit question. Will you be able to somehow get it to me ASAP? Only 2 weeks. Time is ticking..... I need to get my tests done very quickly so I can then work on my presentation.

If I were you, I'd setup a small tank with plain water in it and pH test, then add CO2 and continuously pH & KH test to get a curve graph of CO2 absobsion rate over time.

I've already got 3 tanks going. My display tank, my holding tank where I've got my flags, and then a hospital tank where I have some sick fish. I'm not sure if mum would want me to set up another tank. I only JUST managed to convince her that I NEEDED the hospital tank (which I'm borrowing) and I'm not sure if she'd let me have a 4th tank. The tank would have to be soft water and suitable fish and plants, as that's what my experiment is about - dissolving CO2 gas into tropical freshwater (so then I'd need another thermostat!), for plants to use.

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In that case, your not going to have much change, and it won't be very accurate and is going to be susceptable to variation.

but hey, whatever. :roll:

if you weren't so impatient you could do a very scientific project, with good and reliable results that you could apply, but if your going to snap at those trying to help (even though we have vast experience personally and communaly) then carry on.

my offer of help is revoked.

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if you weren't so impatient you could do a very scientific project, with good and reliable results that you could apply, but if your going to snap at those trying to help (even though we have vast experience personally and communaly) then carry on.

my offer of help is revoked.

Sorry if I caused any affense :oops: We've only been given a time limet to complete our tests and presentation. So I just really need to get the test kit as soon as possible, because if I don't have one I have no way to measure my tests. I need to measure the amount of dissolved CO2 in the water, because we are studying matter and gases and that sort of stuff. I also couldn't concentrate on reading this thread I started, so probably missed heaps, because I had my frient talking to me over my shoulder, and I told him to be quiet, but he wouldn't! I'm really new to all this scientific stuff, and half of it doesn't make sense, as there is sooooo much to learn before it does. It's like learning a new language. So once again, sorry. :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

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Oh and Caryl, I'm at school at the moment if you want to know! The teacher gave me permission to go on the forums.

Hi Joe, I can't help with what you need sorry because I don't have them. I thought you might like to know though, that Caryl isn't the only one who wonders why you are not at school when you post during the day :lol:

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Thankyou, but I shouldn't be so impatiant :oops: . It would be good if we were given more time for our experiments. If only someone would buy all my Flags. Then I would do more accurate tests, as I could use my 2ft tank. Also, if anyone wonders why I wanted a ladder reactor and a CO2 bell, it's because that gives me more of a variety of things to test. I've got diffusers from Phoenix44, and they are great, and to me they're the best way for adding CO2, but I can't tell my teacher that because it would kind of blow it. So if anyone's willing to take flags off me, $5 (or I could work out a deal for a large amount), and by the way they are Dwarf Flags, Laetacara curviceps, not the festive cichlids. The pet shop here won't take them.

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I think I have a co2 test kit.

I will have a look for you Joe.

Just wondered, when and how will you be able to get it to me? It will be great if you do have one. I haven't seen them in the shops at all, and I'm not sure of prices. So it would be a huge help :D :bounce:

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