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Got my betta set up done today =D


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After my awesome CT male dying in the bag yesterday, ADodge offered to give me another =D=D=D

I've set up a tank, it looks like this


The plant pot has peat and gravel, with plants that didnt stay in after i dropped the water level haha. There is a hollow fake log at the back corner. I couldnt find polystyrene so i used a yoghurt lid(white) and that other blue lid, hopefully he makes a nest under one of them. The female is in a 1.5l bottle with the lid cut off and some slits/holes for waterness.

This is my new male, red blue and white CT. The photo isn't the best


I'm going to leave them like this till saturday when i can release and watch the female all day.

Should i feed these two blood worms over the next few days?

Do i use methalane blue on the eggs even with the male?

Thanks =D

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Hi Josh

You can feed a few 3-4 bloodworms each day but do careful waterchanges daily as well as they will foul the tank. Even if the male blows bubblenest you can still change somewater without destroying it. If the water is clean you won't need methylene blue (I never use it with the fighters). When the male tends to the nest he picks up and mouths (cleans) the eggs regularly during the day and then blows them back up into the nest. The only ones that will fungus will not be fertile and he instinctively will know this and most likely eat these ones or leave them on the bottom of the tank. :D

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Good luck

FYI - if you want to make contact with more of the fighter enthusiasts post under the anabantoid section further down the topics page. While they will most likely eventually read the 'breeding' section the anabantoids is a more likely place for them to look first. It also provides heaps of questions and answers although you can pretty much ask anywhere on here and get a civilised response :lol:

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Thanks Adrienne. You rock =]

I shall be posting under the anabatnoid forum soon =]

i had bettas in the xmas hols they bred succesfully but then the male died after the eggs hatched the female ate the young because the male wasnt there to protect them so i got rid of the female
oh man! That sucks!
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