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Bristlenose catfish


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I have 1 male and 2 female Bristlenose catfish the male and one of the females have been acting rather strangely of late and I think it might be that the male has found a nesting spot, the female is very interested and has entered the nest a couple of times the problem is the chosen love nest is in a horrid plastic treasure chest that has an air pump attached so the lid opens every 10 seconds or so and then slams shut on top of the fish. This doesn’t seem to bother the fish and it has caused a lot of laughter in the house but is it ok or should I try and find another more suitable spot for them and remove the chest? Also when and if they reproduce and the eggs hatch should I remove them? I have guppies, neon tetras, glow light tetras and leopard catfish in the tank.

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as alan and wok said leave it alone so how they go, they will always move if they think its not a safe place to have the babies .....

if you do turn the air pump off just put something in the chest to have it half open then they can get in.

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