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Another new fish addict


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Hi there,

I'm new to the fish thing - had my tropical fish set up for around 4 months now and all going well! This is a suprise as the last time I tried this about 20 years ago it was a disaster however this time I did some research - it really helps! and the fish inmates are as happy as fish can be and so am I. Now I want another tank etc etc so it goes!

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Hi there Cath, let me be the first one to welcome you to this forum

The water is wet, but occassionally we have fun.

Chat most evenings (if we don't get booted) starting about 9.00pm, going until "last one standing" or sitting.

So come aboard.

Alan 104

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Welcome Cath.

Be prepared to catch MTS (Multiple Tank Syndrome) as Alan had mentioned we usually chat around 9.00pm where we talk about all sorts of things even fish occasionally :lol:

Any questions you may have just post it in one of the forums and I'm sure someone will be able to assist.

happy browsing.

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Hi Cath,

Real pleased you took the advice to give us a visit and hope you find lots of interest here.

We will of course expect a day to day report on how those Angels are going he he.

As above... come and join the crowd in the chat room if you get a chance, although some nights it is hard to get a word in when there's 18 to 20 of us in there.. but these are rare occasions :)

Tell us a bit more about your fish when you get settled in.


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Wow this is an enthusiastic group! Thanks for your welcome messages!

I emailed pegasus through his own web site to ask for help with my angel fish - I thought my angel was coming down with something but it looks like she is being broody, she has designated one patch of the tank as her area and seems to be gaurding it against intruders. I did not think she would breed as A. it is a community tank and B. I only purchased two small angels but there you go, I think Pegasus is right. Still can't see the eggs but my tank is so heavily planted they could be anywhere. does anyone have any advice on what to expect and how I can help them - does this mean I have to get another tank (oh no :o )....

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Caryl said:

Are you a mind reader
Ha ha... Jude would say I am from some of the instances in the Chat Room :)

Cath asked...

does this mean I have to get another tank (oh no )....

:) This is one infectious hobby.. and if you get a few fish breeding you are bound to catch the disease that is commonly known as MTS.. (Multiple Tank Syndrome)... so be careful.. it spreads real easy :)

You often read of people re-arranging the house... ripping out cupboards, or building extra rooms... just for the fish he he.


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