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power glo or combo


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the tank will be predominantly discus fish.

i will have plants too.

i ws thinking 4 power glo bulbs.

this should bring out the colour of the discus also

but will it be better to have aqua and power glo, 2 each?

i want the plants go grow well but i also want the discus to show colour.

do you think having nly powerglo will show colours of the discus too?

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just powerglo.

are aqua glos the dark / pale ones?

if they are - they make the reds and oranges really jump out at you.

There was someone selling a tube for discus on trademe not too long ago. not sure if it was t5 or t8.

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yeah powerglo f or plants

but the difference inc olour, would it be better if i combine aqua glo?

or power glo should do pretty much the same?

discus are a mix of colours. reds, blues, greens and albinos.

if i do a combo of 2 each. do you think thats sufficient for my plants?

anyone here use power glo and colours come out well still?

or is power glo really aqua glo but brighter?

aqua glo is the one that has a red pink tinge to it

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powerglos have the same tinge but are much, much brighter. I use them.

I think I know what an aquaglo is - sort of like the one in the aquaone tanks. I like those tubes, but they are dull - I think.

I'd go powerglos. They make your fish look nice. Real nice. Have a look on TM for those tubes. maybe the seller still has some. I think it was a discus seller-breeder who had them too. maybe vincent... not 100% sure though.

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yeah i asw them

those lights artificially colour though

it was very very red

power glos i got a good deal $30 each.

so im buying 4 of them.

lasts ages!

i just tried it out.

i had an old arcadia freshwater in my rtg tank.

i loved it to my discus tank.

look sgood!


brings more life to the tank and the green looks greener:D

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what colours in particular are you trying to bring out? if its a range of colurs rather than just mainly red or mainly blue look for a bulb with a high CRI (colour rendition index ) as it will bring up the biggest range of colours

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cant seem to find the cri anywhere for any of the glo tubes o0nly information sugessting that life glo has the higher cri . i would say it would be decent enough they peak in red and blue spectra so good for plants and good to bring out colours in some discus. i have a powerglo t8 on my golfish tank but i dont like the pink colour the other tube is a philips graphica which has a very high cri at 98 (out of possible 100) this tubes a bit yellow on its own but combined with the powerglo really brings out the colours of the goldfish and the plastic plants i would probabably go a combination of life glo and power glo so you dont get the pink coloured light so much

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