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I think they look awesome..

However with their size and the time it takes until maturity and full colour it is probably a bit of a gamble to see what sort of quality fish have been imported :)

Either way it is very cool and I wouldn't mind some.

Boban_nz do you work for brooklands? You always seem to have all the new fish and posting photos of them as soon as they appear on the lists?

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Very nice.

I agree it is nice to get any new species of these sort of Hap in.

Perhaps not as stunning as Empress but cool none the less.

Peaceful haps are right up with peacocks for me.

I was always hoping we'd get the Protomelas sp. Spilonotus here, as they seem common enough overseas.

http://www.cichlid-forum.com/profiles/s ... hp?id=1359

So really good to see new species.

If either of these ones came in though I really do flips.

Again quite common in oversea aquaria and genus we have here already so always hoping.

http://www.cichlid-forum.com/profiles/s ... hp?id=1218

http://www.cichlid-forum.com/profiles/s ... hp?id=1446

http://www.cichlid-forum.com/profiles/s ... hp?id=1044

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We have these in NZ. Taiwan reefs are so much better than Red Empress when grown up.

Just a tip to the kiwis, these species cross breed very easily. Very hard to find pure species here in Aussie now days, or at least good quality.

Red Empress juvies should have the horizontal bar only. Taiwans mixture of vert & hor.

Frenchy :D

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  • 1 month later...

Anyone get any of these.

I was in HFF few days ago and they had them and most/all seemed to be males.

They are a size to sex.

Has anyone got some and got definite females ?

I might still get a couple of males for male tank, but at $50+ each I might have to start checking behind my couch cushions, and under my car seat.

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it can be a tough choice when you know they aren't going to return any $ at all. :-?

Are you in it for the money or for the fish? Different values I guess, perhaps you african cichlid guys need to branch out into oddballs so you get used to blowing $50+ on fish you have zero chance of breeding.... :wink:

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Are you in it for the money or for the fish? Different values I guess, perhaps you african cichlid guys need to branch out into oddballs so you get used to blowing $50+ on fish you have zero chance of breeding.... :wink:

:o -Yeah I should try some of those plecko thingies.

Are they expensive?

I guess the point David was more about the fact that these fish are easily bred, they have come into the country which is great, but for what ever reason females don't seem to be as readily available.

This surely is a different scenario from an expensive Oddball, but doesn't change the fact that breedible or not I covet this fish and would look to at least justify its purchase in my mind :D

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Are you in it for the money or for the fish? Different values I guess, perhaps you african cichlid guys need to branch out into oddballs so you get used to blowing $50+ on fish you have zero chance of breeding.... :wink:

lol probably the reason I have no interest in the big oddballs.. I enjoy breeding fish and would love to know that I have at least a chance of getting males and females and breeding them :) The challenge of breeding fish and fun of growing out your own babies and breeding from the best to improve them and spread nice fish at a good price is what I enjoy about my hobby..

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Are you in it for the money or for the fish? Different values I guess, perhaps you african cichlid guys need to branch out into oddballs so you get used to blowing $50+ on fish you have zero chance of breeding.... :wink:

:lol: you been under some stress or something lately?

& yeah, i am totally in it for the $ that's why my fry are always cheap :lol:

buy a couple of colonies of trophs from your lfs & see what that costs, might be about the same as one of those green arrow things that grow to 6 foot long or something. :D

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:o -Yeah I should try some of those plecko thingies.

Are they expensive?


Yeah I know its not quite the same thing, from a breeders point of view it would be sad if somewhere along the lines the females were being thinned out. Although with fish like this where the females are going to be drab and not as easy to sell it could be justified, the shops would be equally frustrated with the opposite scenario if they order 20 $50+ fish and end up with half of them [or more] being drab boring things that they can't sell.

I've never looked at any fish as an investment that should return me some money, for me its always been a hobby and not a business. I know its not the same for everyone and there is nothing wrong with that...

& yeah, i am totally in it for the $ that's why my fry are always cheap

I always thought that was your stance, so I was a little surprised at that post I replied to. I'm not going to get into the whole debate about the ethics of breeding and selling fish as its been done to death and everyone has different opinions.

And I'm not sure what to make about the tropheus/aro comparison thing. TBH I'm glad oddballs and other fish that require a bit of care [eg tropheus] are often expensive. Call me an elitist, a rich prick, whatever, but IMO it helps weed out the wanna-bes from the true enthusiasts who are going to do a good job of keeping them. I'm not sure if you're going to be selling tropheus fry for $2 a piece any time soon, but have a think about how much care someone is going to put into keeping something that has cost them less than an icecream....

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And I'm not sure what to make about the tropheus/aro comparison thing. TBH I'm glad oddballs and other fish that require a bit of care [eg tropheus] are often expensive. Call me an elitist, a rich prick, whatever, but IMO it helps weed out the wanna-bes from the true enthusiasts who are going to do a good job of keeping them. I'm not sure if you're going to be selling tropheus fry for $2 a piece any time soon, but have a think about how much care someone is going to put into keeping something that has cost them less than an icecream....

to keep & breed trophs generally you need a large group of 10 or more IMO. At $100 each the group cost $1K so i think we know what it's like to part with serious coin for our fish. it can take up to 2 years for them to be at breeding age which some groups don't successfully supply fry. I have had my dubs for around 2 1/2 years without any fry yet & there are females in the group. i am in it for the fish & sometimes we are lucky enough to break even.

Are you in it for the money or for the fish? Different values I guess, perhaps you african cichlid guys need to branch out into oddballs so you get used to blowing $50+ on fish you have zero chance of breeding.... :wink:

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