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Finally happy with tank layout - Update 22/04/2011


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Not really :P Well to pay for at retail price. Best school or cardinals I have ever seen was easily 1000+ looked amazing.

yeah yea, I'm working on that.

I'd like 100+ in this tank so that's more realistic. :lol:

The reason I dont focus on breeding any tetra is because im not passionate about them. i'm working on lancelota whiptails at the moment, and since they are one of my fav whips, i think i'd like that more. waayyy more. :D

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Wow, that looks fantastic! :hail: The whiptail is so cool! Your swordplant is beautiful! I can't wait until mine get to that stage.

You'll be pleased to know that mine have recovered from whatever it was that was wrong with them, and have grown some lovely new big leaves.

I think it might have been the transition to a new tank and that shocked them, because I don't have bright T5 lighting like you do. I just have a couple of T8's. All the original leaves rotted, but the new leaves look exactly the same as the original leaves did when I recieved the plants.

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And I have been giving my tank a special fert treatment since I got the macrandra. Tank gets 15mL of comprehensive, 20mL of seachem trace, 30mL of excel + 2 DIY CO2 units with new diffusers (soon to be pressurised) :D The macrandra is the gem of my tank now and is growing 3-4cm per day!





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