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Discus query


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Are my discus okay?

Over the last two - three days most of my discus are spending a lot of time up at the top of the tank, heads up tail down. Not all of them but between 4-5 of the 6 I have. If I get up and walk over to the tank they will go back down to mid way and then come up again anywhere between 2-3 minutes and 2-3 hours. They are eating normally.

All my tests have returned normal readings

I am running an airline as per usual

The day before this started I did a fairly large overhaul of half my tank, moved the plants, the driftwood, added some different plants and yes, I did stir up some silt. The next day I did a 50% water change, this is normal, I change 50% twice a week. The one major difference in the tank is that there is a lot more open space than what there was i.e. they are getting more lighting.

The discus are the only fish in the tank doing this, everything else in the tank (harlequins, plecs, rummynose and sterbai are all acting perfectly normally.

What do you think?

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Yes one does start and then most of the others join in. Since I posted I have done another water change of about 45% and cleaned out of the fx5. They have stayed down since and happily eaten their dinner as well so it will be interesting to see what they are like tomorrow.

I had forgotten about the way discus sulk so you may well be right :roll:

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The re-arranging of the tank and stirring of the gravel causes the fine particles to float within the water and might have affect the gills when breathing. Do a few more daily wc to clean the water up and the discus will be fine.

Cleaning the filter will improve the filtrations heaps as the fine particles will be collected in the filter.

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