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What to do with a really sick fish...


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lol but you dont think hitting them on concrete is not cruel :o

Concrete = instant death.

Flushed = ... Well, this is how waste is treated in Chch -->http://www.ccc.govt.nz/homeliving/wastewater/treatmentplant/chchwastewatertreatmentplant/index.aspx

So assuming the fish survives the underground network of pipes, it's probably going to be caught on one of the screens that filter out debris until it dies. But most likely it'll be a slow nasty death due to all the faecal matter and chemicals that go down the toilet, shower, kitchen sink etc.

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I always thought that putting it in a small container and in the freezer was a good way, but apparently not.

For the clove oil (found it on a Dutch fish forum)

clove oil: put 0,5 ml. of clove oil in a litre of aquarium water and dissolve this. Put the fish in the water: she/he will die within minutes.

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Putting in ice water is not considered really acceptable anymore. FIsh placed in very cold water become immobile before they become insensible. So just becaue they've stopped moving doesn't mean that they are not aware of all the sensory stimuli coming from their thermoreceptors. What that feels like no one knows but benefit of the doubt...?

Use clove oil or percussive stunning (whack them on the head)

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