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cleaning filter and/or changing the medium


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When I bought my filter (Eheim pickup 2010) the shop girl told me to buy a new sponge medium every (few?) months. I catalogued her advice in the back of my brain for a rainy day. Rainy day has been and gone and now some months down the track I think that I shouldn't change the filter sponge at all, that would be saying goodbye to my precious filter bacteria.

Have seen on a random thread in another forum other people telling someone they don't need to change the sponge itself, just rinse it in tank water removed during cleaning, which I do every few weeks. Now just wondering what others do ....

thanks :hail:

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I am pretty sure that most of the manufacturers or staff may recommend it (because that is how they make money) but as long as the medium is doing its job then there is no need to replace it I have some that is many many years old and still functioning fine.

I have met plenty of other fish keepers who complain about the costs of keeping fish and always mention how much it must cost me to replace all my filter sponges and stuff a couple of times a year so I am glad to spread the news that they don't have to either :)

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I never clean my filters. I have an Eheim on a turtle tank and only clean it enough and whenever to restore the flow. They work best when half gunged up so it is not a good idea to remove all that gunge that contains the bacteria you are trying to cultivate. Often the flow is only restricted by a buildup of gunge in the pipework so clean that and see if the flow is restored.

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Agreed with all of that. :hail:

Sophia I have a few of these filters and I cut the sponge in half and place eheim pro balls in the top half of the filter (sponge hole blocked off with a piece of sponge so the filter balls do go down the hole). It gives me confidence that when/if I ever have to rinse out the sponge that I am not getting rid of everything and you really can't go wrong with eheim pro substrate anyway. It lasts forever.

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