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Possum plucker plans

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Howdy guy's, our 14 year old lives with his Grandma on a 25Ha block up in Umawera, he's got his hands on a couple Tim's traps and has been catching 3 or four possums most nights for something to do but as he has school in the morning etc etc, they're cold by the time he gets to them and hence can't be plucked. so they just get dumped into the gut.

We're up for the weekend and have been discussing how we could make a cheap (preferably electric) plucker so he can pluck them when he gets home to supplement his pocket money.

Unfortunately I have never seen one and really don't know what they look like and don't even know what wattage motor would be needed to run one.

Does anyone know how to make one or have any plans we could look at? (I can't find anything on the net)

Cheers all


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For the record, I have absolutely no knowledge about this at all but why not use a pair of clippers and a 40 blade (surgical cut)? I have clipped many animals in preparation for surgery and these can cut the hair very close to the skin (about as close as you can get) and done properly can be like shearing a sheep. Good clippers and a good blade would cost $150.

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