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Breeding GBA's


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We have been breeding brown bristlenoses for a few years now and finally have some GBA's that we would like to breed instead. I have put the GBA trio in the breeding tank but no luck so far. The breeding tank is fairly large, it has a massive piece of driftwood inside that acts like a cave, a few plants, and the only other fish are some young brown bn's and a few guppies at the top. The tank is at 24 degrees and is aerated. The 2 females got sent a few weeks ago, and the male we have had for about 2 years (he was one of 8 we got as youngsters and ALL turned out to be male! i also have his brother in my main tank).

Is there anything I can do to encouragh them to breed? Or am I just being impatient?! I see the 2 females out and about in the tank daily, but the male just hides in the driftwood.


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Id say patience :) If you have only had the females a few weeks then just let them settle and the male figure out what to do as he has only been with boys his whole life (doesn't that sound wrong? lol).

Good food and water changes and just see what happens.. Bristlenoses are one of those fish that some people have luck with and can breed thousands but then all of a sudden they stop for some unknown reason and start again later.

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hopefully the girls aren't scaring him! he has been living with brown female bn's before, and either him or his brother must've bred with a brown bn as we had some fry in our main tank, there were no other mature males in there at the time so they must be brown x gba. this was the first lot we have ever had in the main tank (all brown), i find they usually prefer not to be around the other bottom feeders when they breed. patience eh, and it will happen when you least expect it!

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