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5F:1M Discus - does this cause increased aggression?


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I have one pair that have established themselves as the 'top' in the pecking order, now over the last two months I've had 4 females laying eggs on their own and I'm finding that they're fighting A LOT now (Like biting each other's lips and ramming each other etc), will it help if I got rid of the only male?

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In my group of 6 I've got two confirmed pairs plus two males. The males from the two pairs scrap all the time as do the two females and the other two males sit back and referee. I don't know that changing the ratio will make any difference. Just give them places to go off to when they want to be left alone :D

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I've often thought about selling that pair but I love the female too much to let her go, if I sold the male so it's all females + 1 unknown will that reduce the intensity of the fighting?

Or I could heavily plant the tank again to create more hiding spots or downsize the population?

Ron - 4 out of the 5 Discus I got from you are all females! (the leopard ss, the turq, the pigeon and the snow white) with one pigeon unknown still.

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here are all my females: think the ones I got from Ron (are all almost 2yrs? correct me if I'm wrong)

the female turq:


female LSS and turq:


group shot of all my females - the pigeonblood checkerboard's cut off though:


the male seems to pair up with whoever's laying? he goes all dark, doesn't seem to be exclusive to just his mate.

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