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Eheim Professional 3 2080 or FX5


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thats the thing FX5 is half the price of Eheim but not 2x as good

half the price for an fx5 but dollar for dollar, it is a better filter.

if its half the price, so long as its half as good or just over half as good, the fluval is the better choice.

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Yeah that review has been copied and pasted all around the place.. There is also a (very old) review done by blueandkim on here viewtopic.php?f=3&t=11976&hilit=fx5&start=15

It really comes down to what you want to put on your tank, some people are driven by certain brands and paying more for them because they believe they are more reliable or better, some may or may not be and we all have our biases and also a certain amount of $$'s to spend :)

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ehaim is exceptional. you also get eheims with built in heaters. eheims focus massively on bio filtration - so flow is not as massive as fx5. fx5 has massive flow. the eheim, even top end does not have as massie flow, but the flow it does have has way better bio filtration efficiency.

but go for fx5!

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This is like the Holden verse Ford argument

Not really, more like Lamborghini verse Holden. Yes they are both good but one is clearly a better car/filter than the other, but in terms of value for money the cheaper option is the best way to go for most people.

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