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Sick Pond Fish


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My grandparents are moving into a retirement village and tonight they gave us four of their pond goldfish to add to the three currently in our pond.

Unfortunately one of the goldfish has a very FAT tummy. I'm of the understanding this is likely to be an infection (kidney?) or even worms. I'm after opinions and recommendations.

She is currently inside and separated from all the other fish.


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Has this fish not always been this shape? Some are meant to look like this :-?

If it used to be a common, thinner shaped fish, then something is definitely wrong.

It is hard to tell from the photo but are the scales on the fish all sticking out like a pinecone? By this I mean everywhere, not just around the fat bit. If so, it is possibly dropsy and the fish is unlikely to survive.

If it is just the belly which has scales sticking out, then it is possibly constipated. Try feeding a cooked, shelled pea. If that doesn't work, or the fish won't eat it, Google for treatment with a bath of Epsom Salts.

It may also be egg bound, if indeed it is female. Not sure what to do in that case unless you are willing to try and gently push down from head to tail in an attempt to expel some eggs.

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Thank you!

I'm not sure about her shape, but if it helps she is the offspring (what generation I don't have a clue) of 4 thin comets I purchased for my grandparents when I was a child - a fairly long time ago. They have had at least one other fat fish in the past but that fish died.

Her scales look smooth - even over her bulge (phew!)

I've got some peas ready for her, I wondered if that might be suggested. Will try the Epsom salt bath if it doesn't work - but how long would you wait before trying this?

I am fairly certain she is female, and she's quite possibly egg bound - my grandparent's fish bred like mad. Expelling fish eggs sounds a lot easier and more pleasant than some of the things I have to do with my other animals!

Thanks so much for the advice!

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You should find the peas work fairly quickly, within hours. The biggest problem is getting the fish to eat them. Some chow down and others turn up their noses.

I think you will find Epsom Salts in the supermarket. There are plenty of sites that give recommended doses (I don't know the dose myself without looking).

Keep an eye on the fish and see if it has been pooing. It should certainly do so after the peas. It will only take 2 or 3 I think.

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She started swimming upside down, so I figured she probably was constipated, despite having done a few poos when we got her (I hadn't seen her do any today). She wont' have a bar of the peas so I removed 1L of her tank water and added 70g of Epsom salts, which she 'bathed' in for 5 minutes.

She started swimming upright as soon as she was put back in her tank, and although she still seems to be swimming a little oddly she's much better.

Hopefully this will help her bloating too.

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She's still fat, but at least she's swimming upright.

Stripping her hasn't been successful and despite having done the epsom salt bath she hasn't pooped - at least not that I've seen.

She's gasping a lot so I've done a water change and added lots of oxy weed - she's still gasping. I'm thinking she might be best to go back in the pond soon.

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