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Everything posted by amalie

  1. Did your one come right? Mine is absolutely fine still - barr his back legs! I'm wondering if it may be an injury? Although there's nothing at all in the terrarium that I could think might cause one.
  2. I have a young whistler who has his back legs outstretched. He was fine this morning but this evening when I had a peek at the frogs he was lying on the bottom of the terrarium with his backlegs stretched out. I've made sure he was well hydrated and popped him in a small container to feed (although his belly was quite full) he has been interested in the fruit flies but hasn't had more than one or two, he is now moving well, even climbing up walls with just his front legs. I haven't seen this before except in a frog i kept as a child - after it jumped into hot soap dishwater (it survived). What causes it and what can I do? Other than the back legs he seems quite normal.
  3. That's just awful. The poor wee thing, and all because people weren't properly informed. Thank goodness they thought to seek help (eventually) and kudos to the petshop for finding you DonnaM.
  4. I thought this was interesting: http://news.msn.co.nz/glance/1054695/pinocchio-frog-discovered
  5. Hmm still not too much lower - I'll up it and see how we go - thanks!
  6. Bigger frogs - their previous owner was incredibly upset at the thought. There's a petshop here selling frogs that are vastly different sizes and telling people frogs don't eat each other. Apparently when this person asked they were told it's a myth other petshops tell people so that they'll have to buy bigger and more expensive frogs. :roll:
  7. It's definitely eating everything, I've been feeding it on it's own and waiting until the food's gone. Temp varies between night and day a little but usually sits at 18 overnight and 20-22 during the day. Which is probably completely wrong! I should probably up my temperature a few degrees.
  8. My new rescue frogs (read: rehome them or they'll be eaten)
  9. I use raw chicken skin in mine, I pull it off chicken breasts regularly and it works great.
  10. I have 4 Southern Bells and a Green and Golden Bell in two terrariums, but I'm a little concerned about the Green & Golden who doesn't seem to be growing half as fast as the Southerns (and that's even taking into consideration the fact that it has been smaller since it was a tadpole). I'm wondering if there's anything I am doing wrong which could lead to this? Or perhaps they do grow slower. He/she is being fed a little more than the other frogs as well. Thanks in advance.
  11. Very odd, that number with missing eyes would have me thinking it was genetic. I think most mamals who are born (spawned??) with a missing eye develop their own form of depth perception, but when they loose an eye in an accident they don't develop that. I guess it'd be the same with amphibians.
  12. Great! At least it will make telling the frogs apart a whole lot easier. Insect Direct - I'd have thought that missing an eye would've hindered depth perception and made fly catching impossible, how'd he get on with that?
  13. I noticed that the toes were shorter than they should be - they looked much like they do now only on a smaller scale. I didn't think much of it at the time wondered if that foot just had some catching up to do. When we got the tadpoles this one had fairly sizeable legs already and they had been kept with tadpoles of varying sizes and I think a frog or two too - hence wondering if it had been nibbled.
  14. Thanks! S/he's just a pet I'm not intending to breed - but interesting to think it might be a genetic deformity rather than an injury.
  15. A month or so ago I bought my son (and me) a couple of "green and gold bell frog" tadpoles, our first one morphed a few days ago - but he's missing all the toes on one foot. I noticed it looked odd while he was a taddy, so figure it probably got nibbled before we got him and that it won't cause any problems. However that's only a guess - does anyone have any experience? Will s/he have trouble without them? Also - s/he's not a green and gold is s/he? Looks like a Southern Bell to me... right?
  16. amalie

    Sick Pond Fish

    She's still fat, but at least she's swimming upright. Stripping her hasn't been successful and despite having done the epsom salt bath she hasn't pooped - at least not that I've seen. She's gasping a lot so I've done a water change and added lots of oxy weed - she's still gasping. I'm thinking she might be best to go back in the pond soon.
  17. amalie

    Sick Pond Fish

    She started swimming upside down, so I figured she probably was constipated, despite having done a few poos when we got her (I hadn't seen her do any today). She wont' have a bar of the peas so I removed 1L of her tank water and added 70g of Epsom salts, which she 'bathed' in for 5 minutes. She started swimming upright as soon as she was put back in her tank, and although she still seems to be swimming a little oddly she's much better. Hopefully this will help her bloating too.
  18. amalie

    Sick Pond Fish

    I didn't get any out, I'll have a search and see what I come up with. Thank you!
  19. amalie

    Sick Pond Fish

    Hmm ok - now getting out 'bound' eggs, I didn't do a very good job the first time I tried (probably didn't do it right) any tips?
  20. amalie

    Sick Pond Fish

    She has been pooing, but won't eat her peas. Is it still worth trying the epsom salts? I have plenty already so it wouldn't be any trouble for me to try it.
  21. amalie

    Sick Pond Fish

    Thank you! I'm not sure about her shape, but if it helps she is the offspring (what generation I don't have a clue) of 4 thin comets I purchased for my grandparents when I was a child - a fairly long time ago. They have had at least one other fat fish in the past but that fish died. Her scales look smooth - even over her bulge (phew!) I've got some peas ready for her, I wondered if that might be suggested. Will try the Epsom salt bath if it doesn't work - but how long would you wait before trying this? I am fairly certain she is female, and she's quite possibly egg bound - my grandparent's fish bred like mad. Expelling fish eggs sounds a lot easier and more pleasant than some of the things I have to do with my other animals! Thanks so much for the advice!
  22. amalie

    Sick Pond Fish

    My grandparents are moving into a retirement village and tonight they gave us four of their pond goldfish to add to the three currently in our pond. Unfortunately one of the goldfish has a very FAT tummy. I'm of the understanding this is likely to be an infection (kidney?) or even worms. I'm after opinions and recommendations. She is currently inside and separated from all the other fish.
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